Digital Advertising is Evolving!

Lined Circle

Search Engine Ads

These are the ads you see on Google or Bing when you search for something. They're targeted based on your search query.

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer ad spaces, often integrated seamlessly into user feeds.

Social Media Ads

Think of those ads on YouTube before a video plays. They can be skippable or non-skippable.

Video Ads

Visual ads that appear on websites. They come in various sizes and formats.

Display and Banner Ads

Content-based ads that match the platform they're on, often seen on news sites as "sponsored posts".

Native Advertising

Ads that follow you around after visiting a site, reminding you of products you've viewed.

Retargeting and Remarketing Ads

Influencer Marketing

Ads that follow you around after visiting a site, reminding you of products you've viewed.

These ads engage users with interactive elements, from games to quizzes.

Interactive Ads

Offers a blend of the virtual and real world, like trying on virtual sunglasses.

Augmented Reality (AR) Ads

As podcasts rise in popularity, so do audio ads within them.

Podcast Advertising

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